Dr. Rani Kurnia, S.Si., MT.

Dr. Rani Kurnia, S.Si., MT.


B.S, Chemistry, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia, 2005

M.Sc, Petroleum Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia, 2010

Ph.D, Petroleum Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia, 2015


Tutuka, K. Rani, M. Leksono, N, Wisnu, H.F Nissaraly, F. Freddy. Surfactant Laboratory, New Product Field Test and Reservoir Simulation Studies for Improving Oil Recovery. GSL 2012 Proceeding

K. Rani, A. Tutuka. Reservoir Production Performance Forecasting Method for Microbial Huff and Puff Stimulation Prior To MEOR Using Conventional Commercial Reservoir Simulator (presented at SIMNASKONG IATMI XII 2012)

K. Rani, T. Marhaendrajana, W. Deana, S. Boni. A Laboratory Study: Formulated Fatty Diester Polyethylene-glycol Surfactant for Chemical Flooding in Light Oil at Tempino Field, Indonesia (presented at SIMGRENAS IATMI XIII 2014)

T. Marhaendrajana, R. Kurnia, D. Wahyuningrum, I. Fauzi. A Novel Sulfonated Alkyl Ester Surfactant to Reduce Interfacial Tensions in a Wide Range Salinity with Monovalent and Divalent Ions. Modern Applied Science; Vol. 10, No. 1; 2016; ISSN 1913-1844 E-ISSN 1913-1852

Sudarmoyo, Boni Swadesi, Aulia Novi Andini, Septoratno Siregar, Rani Kurnia, Ari Buhari, IGS Budiaman. Laboratory study: The development of a sodium lignosulfonate (SLS) surfactant formulation for light oil reservoir to improve oil recovery. AIP Conference Proceedings 1977, 030033 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5042953

Marhaendrajana, T. Kurnia, R., Irfana, D., Wahyuningrum, D., Abdassah, D. 2018. Study to Improve an Amphoteric Sulfonate Alkyl Ester Surfactant by Mixing with Nonionic Surfactant to Reduce Brine-Waxy Oil Interfacial Tension and to Increase Oil Recovery in Sandstone Reservoir – TKS-Field, Indonesia. Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology, 10 June.